Friday, November 04, 2005

The white balloon

So there's this blimp that flies over Minneapolis/St Paul pretty much 24/7. It's meant to be a new form of advertising (or this is my hypothesis) but the form/method is very flawed. First, the print on the side of the blimp is so small that only a limited number of people can see it. Also, I believe this stupid blimp to be the cause of the numerous accidents I've witnessed in the last couple of months. People, like me, are driving along on the freeway and spot this oddity in the sky and we naturally try to see what is printed on the blimp, and them WHAM we forget to look at the car in front of us. Also I would like to remind advertisers and blimp owners of MN that we are a city that has domed everything! No one can see your stupid blimp signs. All it does it make people wonder why on earth someone would waste money flying a blimp in an area with no open stadiums, at times with no sporting events, and in areas where there are skyscrappers. It's retarted people like these that are filing for Chapter 13 bankruptcy. Stop being idiots, put the blimp away or build an open stadium.


Blogger Laura Ibsen said...

Wow, and the spam begins.

I think that you're not taking into account that blimps are also a poor way for two people to communicate to each other in a really stupid way. If there were no blimps, how would cheeseball guys propose to their girlfriends?

10:56 AM  
Blogger Jordan said...

Wait, so if I ever ask for a girl to marry me I SHOULDN'T use a blimp?! That's news to me!

9:08 AM  

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