Friday, February 09, 2007

Taking messages

Many of you know that I don't like to check my messages. There are many reasons for this:

1. I have to use my minutes to check my messages
2. If it's important, they will cal back
3. I use the phone too much and don't like them anymore

Now some people find this annoying and rude. But really, it's not. Doesn't it say something that I care so much about so-and-so's call that returned it without even listening to the message? In reality, I only check the messages of people that I don't want to talk to right away. Think of messages as a screening process. If I listem to the message, then I am screening your call to see you are in critical need of a reponse. So really by not listening to your message, I'm being a loving and an affectionate person.

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Get over it?!?

It has been weeks since I wrote about how I hate splashback (see entry entitled, "Pee") but I still receive comments about it. I hadn't realized that I touched such a resounding chord with the splashback analyzers and haters. All I have to say is, I know how you feel, I appreciate your formulas and postulations, but perhaps we have dwelled upon this for too long. Just a thought.

Friday, December 08, 2006


I was reading my alumni magazine today (I receive this about once every couple of months at work) and found out that 1. Steve Forbes will be the commencement speaker at graduation and 2. Graduation will be split this year between graduate and undergraduate students.
All I have to say is, What the heck!?! I have to sit through a painfully boring graduate commencement last year and now this year someone finally realized the brilliant idea of splitting the students up!?! I feel very bad for my parents, friends, and me for having to sit through the torture of the 4 hour graduate and undergraduate ceremony. But in happy news, the ceremony is held this year on my birthday as well J
Also, we had Marilyn Carlson as our speaker last year, and I can’t decide if I would rather have her or Steve Forbes. I find Steve Forbes to be one of this people who are well-known but nobody really knows what that person does. Sure, there’s Forbes magazine, but he doesn’t actually write it. I mean seriously, what does Steve Forbes do?

On a side note, I am now production scheduling at my plant, so I work during the day now. Happiness is me!

Sunday, October 22, 2006


Today at church my pastor talked about Hell. Not the nice, watered down version of Hell, but the real fire and brimstone kind. It was kind of uncomfortable for the first few minutes because Christians tend to water down the realities of Hell. And even though I know I am not going to Hell, it was still uncomfortable to hear it. But then I realized that all my pastor was doing was telling the truth. He we telling the ugly truths of the Bible that no one ever wants to say because we want to make Jesus and Christianity sound like this cure all, wonderful nSYNC pop song. So then I was like bravo. But then I thought about all the possible non-Christians at church (we just finished up a 4 week outreach series so there were alot of new faces at church) and how the message might scare them off, so then I wanted the pastor to fluff it up a little bit. But then I realized that perhaps, all this fluff the church has been dishing is exactly the cause of the moral degeneration in the US. Maybe if more people told it just as it is, then we wouldn't have all these grey area Christians out there or perhaps more people would come to Jesus because they actually have some meat to sink their teeth into. It is interesting why the church and its body don't talk more about Hell and the consequences of not receiving salvation. Why is that?

Tuesday, October 10, 2006


Guys should learn how to pee right. If you can't pee without spillage, then squat on the pot. People (i.e. me) don't like cleaning up after other people's pee and seeing pee stains around the toilet. If you are old enough to smoke, drink, date, or if your legs reach past the toilet seat then learn to pee into the toilet. It is very disgusting to for girls who clean the bathroom to find yellow suprises on the porcelain throne or the floor.

Thanks for your attention.

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

A blog about nothing

I haven't blogged in a while because I tend to use a computer for most of my days at work and I get very sick of the thought of typing for the fun of it. Also I have no internet at my place. And up until recently my roommate and I have been stealing from a neighbor ("exodus"). Last week they decided to finally lock their access. All I have to say is whatever...the signal wasn't that great anyway. Why people can't share their internet with others is totally beyond me.

Other thoughts from this September...
never work 2nd shift because you get called in early ALL the time
country music isn't that bad when you listen to it every night
men over the age of 30 should never live with their exceptions
I look good in a freezer suit
I look really, really good in a freezer suit
I look like a big navy marshmellow good in a freezer suit
I like bossing people comes naturally to a cut-throught businesswoman like me

I could probably write something more thought provoking, but the fact that I am writing at work is thought provoking enough for me right now.

Thursday, July 27, 2006

My first week in review

I was going to do my week in review sometime tomorrow, but life has been unexpectedly tiring.

I started work this Monday...and let's see what has happened in these last few days...

Tire troubles:
Monday: My atire pressure light comes on...I put air in my tires
Tuesday: Light comes on again...put air in all 4 tires
Wednesday: More light...more air
Thursday: More light...decided it was either a slow leak or broken light. Go to dealership to find out there is a nail in my back friend to get tired fixed.

Work schedule:
Monday: Get to work at 7:45am for training
Tuesday: Get to work at 7:30am to clean and organize my desk before the real work begins
Wednesday: Get to work by 7:15am for 7:30am meeting
Thursday: Get to work by 6:45am to shadow someone
Friday: Goal is to be at work between 6-6:30am to cover for someone
...hmm, I'm seeing a trend.

Sleep schedule:
Monday-Thursday: in bed by 9pm, lights out by 10pm

Fun times:
Tuesday: hip-hop class from 7-8:30pm

Conclusion: the life of an adult sucks. You're tired all the time, have car problems that you have no time to fix, have to go to bed eary, get up earlier, and have one night of fun a week.

Side note: although adulthood sucks, the job is pretty cool.