China: more pictures
Here are more pictures from my trip to Szechuan, the rest are going on my Facebook....
Here's me climbing through a bunch of trees to use the bathroom. Well, its not really a bathroom I was trying to reach so much as a place that was out of sight so that I could do my business with out people watching since I couldn't hold it in anymore...I know, big shocker. All I have to say is, Tony's little threat of pulling over to the side of the road no long scares me!

Here's some pretty scenery.

Here's more pictures of the extended family

Here's me climbing through a bunch of trees to use the bathroom. Well, its not really a bathroom I was trying to reach so much as a place that was out of sight so that I could do my business with out people watching since I couldn't hold it in anymore...I know, big shocker. All I have to say is, Tony's little threat of pulling over to the side of the road no long scares me!

Here's some pretty scenery.

Here's more pictures of the extended family

Everyone in my family has the same eyes as it turns out, so it was a little scary seeing people I've never met and having them look like me. These are my cousins.
Chen my love. This comment is for your last few blogs since I haven't been keeping up lately. First, now that I am back in the US and talking to girls it is fun to hear their stories about dudes hitting on them. In Japan all the guys are afraid of foreign girls (or girls in general, not quite sure). I always feel kinda sorry for the dudes. I am not in any stories like these because I don't talk to random girls...ever. Two, I also like hearing stories about great grandparents. I ddin't know anything about my gg-parents until I was in Jland and started asking ?'s. My gg-ma was a mail order bride. That's almost fit for a blog in itself. And 3...well I don't know 3. But I think I have been hanging out with a lot of people that you know lately. Oh, and in the picture of you wandering off to your woodsy bathroom your head appears to be missing. Anyway, I hope you had fun in Japan for your two hours. -Mark
Are you in America yet?
Today I spoke in full English sentences for the first time in over 2 weeks. It felt a bit odd at first, but all is good now.
Mark- I'm glad to hear that you are hanging out with our mutual friends. I hope this means that one day soon I will be able to make that jump from internet friend to something more. I can only hope and count the days until this comes true.
Jordan, my sweet- Thanks so much for asking. I am in America.
I'm glad you've made it back safe and I hope you had wonderful experiences while in China. I hope God uses it to further your relationship with Him.
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