My ode to toilets
Dirt Hole
The first toilet consisted of nothing more than a dirt hole in the ground. This toilet system can still be found throughout the Chinese countryside, at my relative's farms, and anywhere that a person "cannot hold it in" anymore. Below is a picture of me leaving from such an instance where the dirt hole system had to be used.

The wooden squatty potty
Next came the wooden squatty potty. It was an improvement from the hole in that you were guaranteed to avoid the "pee on yourself" folly that happens with the dirt hole system. However, the wooden squatty is also the breeding ground for diseases. This wooden squatty happen to be built in between 2 pig pens.
The ceramic squatty potty
This is the most common squatty potty found in China. I also encountered this toilet system in Narita International Airport. The advantages of this toilet is that it is easy to clean and is often times flushable. Also, the user avoids contact with any part of the toilet system, making this the preferred toilet system in public restrooms in China. A disadvantage is that not all people are capable of squatting as age and obesity can make this a difficult, if not impossible, way to use the bathroom.
The Porta Potty
The next generation of toilets came with the invention of the porta potty. Here, a sitting toilet is created and used but must be emptied out on a daily basis. The toilet is stored inside the house, usually next to a window. My aunt and uncle currently still use a toilet such as this. When I was little I was fascinated by their toilet and sat on it everytime I visited their place. A similar looking one can be seen below.
The wooden toilet
Next we have the wooden toilet. It's a toilet that is part ceramic and part wood. The toilet seat is made of wood and to flush the toilet you pull a lever and water comes charging from the plumbing. The disadvantage of this toilet is great, the greatest being the inability for the flush to generate enough water power to flush simple things like one sheet of toilet paper down the drain. This toilet can be found at my grandma's house. Unfortunately I forgot to take pictures of the toilet while I was there, so your imagination will have to do.
The Plastic Toilet
Next came the sitting toilet with plumbing and a plastic seat. Although this is better than all the previous systems, it still leaves something to be desired. Mainly, when sitting on this toilet it is difficult to determine whether you are actually sitting on a toilet seat or the rim of the toilet.
The Ceramic Toilet
Finally we have the toilet that most Americans are familiar with today. The ceramic toilet with a nice firm seat. Having used all the above on my last trip, the ceramic toilet is a little like finding candy amist a sea of vegetables.
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