Thursday, May 11, 2006

My toothbrush story

Like Laura, I have had blogger's block for the last few weeks; so this isn't the most exciting of posts.

So my toothbrush fell in the toilet last night when I was getting ready for bed. I was feeling a little frustrated right before this incident happened and so I decided to reach down into the toilet with my bare hands to grab the toothbrush. I usually like to wear a rubber glove or use a plastic bag to retrieve things from the toilet, but last night I was too tired and aggrevated to care. Which means my care for oral hygene has been slipping.
A few months ago my headband fell in the toilet, instead of throwing it away I just rinsed it and rewore it a few weeks later...yuck
Yesterday I almost considered reusing the toothbrush. I bought the toothbrush less than 3 weeks ago and it was kind of expensive because it vibrates. I've never used a vibrating toothbrush before (and I'm not sure how I feel about it still) and was kind of sad to see it go into the toilet. So last night and this morning I had to use this monsterous toothbrush that I got for free from NWA and the dang thing barely fit inside my mouth.
Oh, I also believe in only taking one shower a day...and I don't usually make exceptions to this rule.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

is it one with a removable head, so you could just replace the head?

if not... run it through your dishwasher. my mom always did that with my siblings' and my toothbrushes whenever we got sick... to kill the germs.

i assume it would work for toilet bowl cooties as well :)

10:06 PM  
Blogger Sam said...

I have also faced the toliet germs out of sheer frustration. Once at the grocery store, I was going around eating all the free samples. The best one was the pizza but they always set it on top of the pizza oven for people to take, and the whole thing is REALLY HOT. So, when I grabbed one I burned my finger really bad. I went to the bathroom to get some cold water, but the sinks were those motion sensor kind that only hot water comes out of. My finger hurt so bad I didn't care and found the only cold water source there was: the toilet. So, I identify with your struggle.

9:27 AM  
Blogger Sam said...

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9:27 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Chen - you are funny and cute.

Are you that bored from not working that you're experimenting with dropping different things into the toilet and then seeing if you're too grossed out to use them or not? Are you enacting your own personal fear factor?

Perhaps you should pick up a hobby or two...

9:27 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow, I think its cool that Sam, myself, and some unknown commenter decided to comment at exactly 9:27am.

9:29 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here are some links that I believe will be interested

10:08 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I say briefly: Best! Useful information. Good job guys.

3:19 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm impressed with your site, very nice graphics!

12:32 AM  
Anonymous Emmy Summers said...

Whoa! Good thing you decided NOT to use it! I don't think any toilet is particularly clean, even if you clean it regularly. Don't regret buying a new one cause that's for your oral health.

There's nothing wrong with showering once a day, though. :)

10:36 AM  

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