Sunday, October 22, 2006


Today at church my pastor talked about Hell. Not the nice, watered down version of Hell, but the real fire and brimstone kind. It was kind of uncomfortable for the first few minutes because Christians tend to water down the realities of Hell. And even though I know I am not going to Hell, it was still uncomfortable to hear it. But then I realized that all my pastor was doing was telling the truth. He we telling the ugly truths of the Bible that no one ever wants to say because we want to make Jesus and Christianity sound like this cure all, wonderful nSYNC pop song. So then I was like bravo. But then I thought about all the possible non-Christians at church (we just finished up a 4 week outreach series so there were alot of new faces at church) and how the message might scare them off, so then I wanted the pastor to fluff it up a little bit. But then I realized that perhaps, all this fluff the church has been dishing is exactly the cause of the moral degeneration in the US. Maybe if more people told it just as it is, then we wouldn't have all these grey area Christians out there or perhaps more people would come to Jesus because they actually have some meat to sink their teeth into. It is interesting why the church and its body don't talk more about Hell and the consequences of not receiving salvation. Why is that?


Blogger Mark said...

I really hope Heaven isnt' like an nSync song. I've always assumed it would be Metallica. haha. And, as for the previous post I agree with you too. While there is the "splash back" or whatever Chris refereed to, I know this is not where the majority of mess comes from. While this may be more than you wanted to know, urinals are a good example. How can men make such a mess of urinals? I have no idea. But just go into a male restroom sometime. There is always a mess right under the urinal. It's gross. Peeing is an art that most men master long before they are considered men. But it only takes one inbetween cleaning periods to mess it up for all men. I think forcing boys to sit while they pee can have devastating long term effects, fortunatly chris turned out all right....

11:33 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Allrighty Chen - I put the hat story up on my blog. :) Hope you're having a great day!

12:00 PM  
Blogger Mark said...

i want one of those hats too. i will be your ally

10:06 PM  

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