Tuesday, October 10, 2006


Guys should learn how to pee right. If you can't pee without spillage, then squat on the pot. People (i.e. me) don't like cleaning up after other people's pee and seeing pee stains around the toilet. If you are old enough to smoke, drink, date, or if your legs reach past the toilet seat then learn to pee into the toilet. It is very disgusting to for girls who clean the bathroom to find yellow suprises on the porcelain throne or the floor.

Thanks for your attention.


Blogger Chris Hill said...


Your frustration is more from lack of understanding than from men missing the toilet. Let me explain something I like to call "splash back". See, when you pee from altitude, water splashes in the toilet, and some of it comes back out. This may appear as men missing the toilet, when in fact they are shooting perfectly straight.

My parents didn't like the splash back and required my brothers and me to pee sitting down. It is one of the most emasculating things you can do to a man, and PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE do not do that to any male children you have. Peeing standing up is a gift of manliness from God. If you have a problem with men peeing standing up, take it up with him.

11:45 AM  
Blogger chen said...

I'm sorry you have to pee sitting down. If there is spalshback shouldn't you clean it up after you make the mess? If you can't clean up after yourself than maybe sitting on the pot will teach you a lesson. Just a thought

1:46 PM  
Blogger Chris Hill said...

Sitting down will only emasculate a man, not teach him any lessons. I didn't obey my parents.

Splashback is sometimes unseen. I usually do a wipe down, but this is not required of all men. Men have to live with women who get PMS. Women have to live with men's urine splashing. That's just life.

7:12 PM  
Blogger Chris Hill said...

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7:12 PM  
Blogger Chris Hill said...

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7:12 PM  
Blogger Chris Hill said...

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7:12 PM  
Blogger Chris Hill said...

Blogger is gay. It wouldn't post my comments so I kept hitting "login and publish." Anyway, it posted what I said 4 times, hence all the deletes. Blogger is totally gay.

7:15 PM  
Blogger Jordan said...

I would like to point out that a big reason there is splashing is that toilets are so low. This is one of the innumerable ways that society is biased against tall people. Door knobs, sinks, counters, toilets, etc.... they are all set at a height for the tiny.

10:35 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

well as my colleague so wonderfully pointed out here. If you have an incredibly long wang-chop splash back is not a problem. The longer the wang the closer to the water and the less the spash back.

to summarize:


where W is wang length and S is quantity of splashback.

5:49 PM  

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