Thursday, November 24, 2005

Turkey Day

I hate the name Turkey Day. Isn't the Thanksgiving name cool enough to stand on its own? Why does it need a nickname, and one that's as unrelevant as Turkey Day? Besides, don't people eat turkey on Christmas? I don't hear them dubbing Christmas as Turkey Day Number Two. If you're going to nickname Thanksgiving, you might as well call it Pilgrim Day, at least would give the day a little more distinction.

I'm spending the day at my aunt and uncles and have decided to take a break from typing my paper and engaging in Bob the Builder fun with my little cousin. Tonight, I get to go online and talk to my parents and grandparents who are in China right now, the marvels of video conferencing! And tomorrow is an exciting day of shopping. Although I'm not as excited as I normally am. There's nothing out there in the land of retail that interests me enough to dig into my wallet and purchase, but whatever, its better than spending the day at home and writing papers (although that is probably what I should be doing).

Hill's mom is over at my place for the weekend and she brought over a traditional Thanksgiving dinner, so I'm going to be eating awesome food for the next few days! (I've also heard rumors of baking by her and Hill, and they made the best desserts last year.)

Exactly 30 days left until I get to see my parents!

Monday, November 21, 2005

Bored at work

I find what I am doing right now to be very wrong. I am at work and writing on my blog. But in my defense, I have absolutely nothing to do. I've gone around and asked for work, but have received none. So, now I'm wasting company money and time writing about nonsense that has nothing to do with my job.
I really hate not having anything to do. I feel like one of those unused assets that you find on a balance sheet but no one, including the asset itself, knows exactly what its suppose to do or perform. It's moments like these next two hours that makes me want to take the offer to fly to Pheonix. People keep telling me that when I get a real job (as oppose to this one?) I will never have free time again and will always be swamped with things to do. So far that has not proved true at any of the places I work at. Now if you will excuse me, I must find something to do so that I don't feel completely worthless.

Saturday, November 19, 2005

The life of being single: clothing dramas

I went out last night for the first time since August. I've really missed going out and losing my hearing and spending too much money on drinks (this may sound sarcastic, but I am very serious). Although I do have one question, what are you suppose to wear when you go out? I feel too old to be wearing Brittany Spears type clothes (I realize I have also dated myself by using her as a reference) and too stuffy to be wearing dress shirts and dress pants. Somehow I don't really think J.Crew sells clubbing clothes nor would I want to spend $100 for the scrapings of a normal shirt. So often I feel like I'm overdone or try too hard to stay cool but really, coolness passed me a long time ago. Or as my roommate likes to tell me, I look like I'm ready to go to a business meeting.
Being single and going out is a little different then when you're dating someone; the biggest difference is that you notice all the weird creepy guys a lot more. For example, there was this one guy who kept trying to get his grove on with my friends and me, so I thought I'd create a list of ways to avoid people like these when out and about at night:
1. Avoid eye contact. I prefer staring at the ceiling because when you look at the floor too much than you no longer exude confidence. Also, I think it's easier to trip when looking at the floor.
2. Don't smile. By keeping a serious face at all times, people think that you are antisocial and annoyances.
3. Keep your mind occupied. Theory: out of sight, out of mind.
4. Go out with lots of girls. This decreases your probability of being hit on for several reasons. Guys are scared of girls in groups and he is more likely to hit on your friends than you.
5. Drink just enough that you no longer think about this or care. This is my personal favorite, although it also the more expensive of the options. However, the trick here is to drink just the right amount . Too much means you've become tipsy, too little just leaves you feeling gross.

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Bird Flu

The bird flu killed someone in China the other day. All I have to say is, no more chicken eating when I'm in China.

This is me being attacked by a wolf. Not a horse, and not a bear. The reason I'm being attacked is because I was found out to be a hetrosexual and people in Providencetown do not like people like me. So they sent this animal after my friends and me. This photograph was captured by an innocent bystander who decided it would be better to capture this moment on film than to help me. ;-)

Friday, November 04, 2005

The white balloon

So there's this blimp that flies over Minneapolis/St Paul pretty much 24/7. It's meant to be a new form of advertising (or this is my hypothesis) but the form/method is very flawed. First, the print on the side of the blimp is so small that only a limited number of people can see it. Also, I believe this stupid blimp to be the cause of the numerous accidents I've witnessed in the last couple of months. People, like me, are driving along on the freeway and spot this oddity in the sky and we naturally try to see what is printed on the blimp, and them WHAM we forget to look at the car in front of us. Also I would like to remind advertisers and blimp owners of MN that we are a city that has domed everything! No one can see your stupid blimp signs. All it does it make people wonder why on earth someone would waste money flying a blimp in an area with no open stadiums, at times with no sporting events, and in areas where there are skyscrappers. It's retarted people like these that are filing for Chapter 13 bankruptcy. Stop being idiots, put the blimp away or build an open stadium.